
Franklin Joint Municipal Court

1571 Delsea Drive
Franklinville, New Jersey 08322-0300

Phone: 856-694-1661
(Fax) 856-694-2192

Judge: John J Armano Jr
Administrator: Tracey A Bleda, CMCA
Deputy Administrator: Angelina Roman

Police Services
Buena Borough will now be covered by the Franklin Township Police Department. 

If you're having an emergency DIAL 911.

Animal Control Services
Shore Animal Control

Tuckahoe, NJ


Housing Authority

Location: Parkview Gardens Administration Building and Community Center

Phone: (856) 697-4852
Fax: (856) 697-2642
600 Central Avenue
Minotola, NJ 08341

More Information

Parkview Gardens Administration Building and Community Center

Rental and Property Maintenance

This is a check list only for all existing residential and nonresidential structures concerning the minimum requirements for public health and safety and welfare, properties that do not comply shall be altered or repaired to provide a minimum level of heath and safety.

All rental properties must be registered annually.
An inspection for a Certificate of Occupancy Permit must be inspected prior to any new occupant taking procession.

Lead-Based Paint Inspections in Rental Dwelling Units